Green Lantern Might Be...

Warner Brothers is struggling to find an actor to portray Hal Jordan, aka Green Lantern (another in the line of the studio's DC comic characters). According to The Hollywood Reporter:

Warners has spent the past five months searching for the actor to play Hal
Jordan, the hot-shot Air Force pilot who is chosen by a dying alien to be his
successor in an intergalactic police force known as the Green Lanterns.

This week, the race narrowed to Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds and Justin
Hmm. Bradley Cooper? Maybe. Hangover was funny and I think he could pull off a wise-crackin' HJ. Ryan Reynolds is Marvel's Deadpool. I don't think that WB will follow through with that. But... Justin Timberlake? Are you kidding me? This isn't an SNL short. Someone's not taking their casting job seriously. That's like having pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving without any Cool Whip. Just doesn't work for me.


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