Weekly Wrapup

A gathering of bits and pieces from the week...
  • I Don't Like You In That Way is keeping its rail hitched to the "Let's see how much of Hermione we can see" train with some revealing pictures of the actress. As Emma Watson left the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince after party, she made some nerds very happy. Shame on you, Emma.

  • My Hollywood Dream has initiated its commentary on the recent Emmy nominations. My own thoughts are more simple. Among them: Where in the world is Elizabeth Mitchell? Lost's Juliet has been denied again. Shame on you, Emmys.

  • Who will be Bilbo Baggins? Rumors are flying that the casting could be announced at Comic Con next week. But, according to an online article from Empire, director Peter Jackson is saying not to hold our breaths.

  • I still haven't forgiven Scarlett Johansson for marrying Ryan Reynolds when I'm terribly available, but here's a low resolution picture and article from Entertainment Weekly covering her casting as Black Widow in the next Iron Man movie. But if she decides to come visit me in that outfit, I'll reconsider.

  • I'm all for hunting zombies. They're nasty creatures that could possibly put a crimp in your day if they eat your brain. But this poster for Zombieland posted on IGN doesn't really do it for me. Kind of boring. Let's see if they follow up with a better one.


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